Tuesday, March 3, 2015

PPD CPA Niche Method

Alright, so with this method, I will teach you how to extract/gain/find a niche that has been running and make profit out of it!  It is a very simple method, made out of what we do daily (or most of us do daily).

and let me explain to you, how people react to niche set ups and how they boost them. This is what Rich people do when they are earning 100-400$ a day! They think of a niche, set it up They boost the views, likes, comments on the videos on Youtube. They BUY view, likes etc. They Buy Domain and hosting for the niche This is what normal people who are not earning much but have good niches do: Think of a good niche, set it up.  Try to boost the video without investing.  End up getting anywhere from 20-40$ a day! (not saying its nothing, but they leave their niches public and ready to be taken over)  Don’t always buy a domain/hosting.

There are some other things they do like SEO and all, but that’s not my point, what I want to say is that, they are earning from their niches, which spread out and become saturated.

So, how to find a unsaturated or working niche without thinking about it too much?  
Well, the answer lies in the BOOSTING VIDEOS.  If you have used any, literally any social media exchange or bots, which exchange views, likes etc. How many times have you ended up on something like “Free Psn codes”, “Email extractor tool”. “Simcash generators” etc. ?
Well, I personally have, not once, not twice, but every time I use any kind of an exchange, I get a bump into those kind of videos.

Now, what do I do? And how do I find out a good niche? Okay, so, you go register to any social exchange sites or use vagex/hitleap whatever you prefer, there are 100’s of sites too, register on the good ones like, addmefast, enhanceviews etc. And start exchanging, Youtube views, not telling you to earn points or shit, but just check the videos, for example, I did it, and I found this (just taking a very fresh example): This is an example, I took while writing the eBook, just to give you a hint, there are hundreds of better niches I have found and working on 2 atm, will work on others when I need to.

Also, look into the description of the video, to see how good the person doing PPD/CPA from it is, many noobs/inexp. people have good niches and don’t buy domains and hosting, which makes them loose their leads. You can capitalize on that by making it look more legit, either by doing a better video or by a good .com .net domain (up to you).

So basically what you are doing is finding niches manually and testing their competition and global monthly searches and making a improved version of the niche. This is not illegal, or blackhat, its just killing the competition in marketing, and that’s what earns you money.

1. DO NOT BE DISHEARTENED if you spend 10mins without finding a niche.
2. Try it for 10- 20mins, you will get 2-3 niches easily. I guarantee it.
3. Collect some 4-5 niches by this method, and then see which one you can work out with and you are comfortable working with, and boost the niche in your own ways and earn money!
4. Remember, to work for longer to find good/unsaturated niches.

A real life friend of mine, used to earn anywhere from 50$ - 150$ each day by getting good niche and setting it up, buying views and boosting the video, doing SEO and shit, and I used to wonder how the hell does he do that?? I mean, let alone all the boosting and SEO, I could never find a niche, but with this method, I have collected 5 niches already (working on 2), with low competition on YT and Google, and will work on them as soon as I can.

So, get started by singing up here: BEST PAY PER DOWNLOAD NETWORK

1 comment:

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